Marketing Made Easy for HR Consultants
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Marketing Made Easy for HR Consultants
Being a Self-Employed HR Consultant: The Harsh Truth
This podcast is all about the harsh reality of being a self-employed HR Consultant and how to overcome the difficulties you'll no doubt have encountered, or will encounter.
Here's what you'll discover:
- The Truth About Being Self-Employed – Why running your own business isn’t all freedom and fun like people think it is.
- Surviving the Feast or Famine Cycle – The simple solution to ensuring your income doesn't going up and down like a rollercoaster.
- Imposter Syndrome Exposed – Learn how to crush the voice in your head that says, “You’re not good enough.”
- Avoid Admin Overload – Get simple tips to avoid drowning in unpaid work and focus on what matters most: growing your business.
- Loneliness No More – How to handle the isolation that comes with working alone so you stay motivated.
So tune in now, and get all this and more.
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When you’re ready, here are 3 ways to start building your market-leading HR Consultancy.
1 - Take this free quiz to understand why you aren't getting the leads and clients you need.
2 - Get a copy of my book, “How to Land Your Dream Client” - to discover how to get control of your HR Consultancy.
3 - Become my next Case Study Client - Work with me 1 on 1 to earn £70K and above.
0:00 Being a self-employed HR consultant sounds like a dream, right? And flexibility with when you work, who you work with, being in your own boss, earning what you're worth, fantastic stuff.
0:12 But here's the part that don't tell you. Being self-employed is hard. Certainly in the early days, for sure, and perhaps even after that, if you don't know what you're doing.
0:22 It's fee-store farming, long hours, a constant scramble for clients, and sleepless nights spend wondering if your next paycheck will arrive and if it will clear the bills.
0:32 Alternatively, you know your bills are covered, but the hours you spend working mean that you get impaired less than you were when you were in the corporate world if you look at your hourly rate.
0:41 And that's the reality for most HR consultants. In fact, quite often it can be worse than this. So in this episode I'm going to pull back the curtain and talk about the harsh realities of being self-employed.
0:52 Why most people get it wrong, the psychological politics, and more importantly, how you can avoid the traps that most HR consultants fall into.
1:01 So, stick around because this one's important. is the Marketing Made Easy for HR Consultants Podcast. A show to help independent HR consultants get a pipeline of perfect fit, high paying clients without expensive address, time consuming social media activities or energy-sapping and monotonous networking
1:21 meetings. I'm your host, Nick Pinensky, offer a powderland you dream find, a book which explains everything you need to download together, every sale and client you ever want.
1:32 And if that sounds interesting, make sure to grab your coffee from the influential consultant website today. That being said, let's get into today's show.
1:42 Hello there, and welcome back to another episode of Marketing Made Easy for HR consultants with me Nick Pavinsky. Thanks for joining me again and if this is your first time here and glad you're here.
1:54 Just a quick update before we dive into today's topic. I've just finished my week-long workshop and the feedback I got was brilliant.
2:02 If you did it, we'll find something to register. No doubt, I'll run the event again far off into the future.
2:08 But for now, yeah, the only way to get access, if you don't access today or within the near future, then the only way will be part of an online course that I'll be charging for.
2:19 So keep your eyes peeled for the chance to invest in something that got rare reviews. It's helping HR consultants just like you to build a pipeline of leads of clients into their business.
2:29 And it also helps rewrite a few misunderstandings and mistakes that almost every HR consultant icon across makes. That being said, if you went through the workshop and you're unsure if you've done it right, if you want to get some feedback on what you're doing, whether or not you're going in the right
2:45 direction, if you want some help or answer message in, then DM me as I've got a few coaching calls available in the near future.
2:53 In the meantime, it's looking more and more likely that I'll be offered some of your climbs in winter. Columbia and Brazil are looking very tempting indeed, much more tempting than the dank, dark, wet, cold, miserable British wind, that's for sure.
3:11 But I'll keep you posted on that front, nothing is certain as of yet. So I'm sure my LinkedIn and Instagram feeds will be full of beach pictures if I make it out there.
3:23 And that means that let's get into today's episode where I'll be talking about the realities of being a self-employed HR consultant.
3:30 See, you might think that becoming a self-employed HR consultant is the dream, right? Setting your own hours, picking your clients, making more money than the corporate world.
3:40 But the truth is the reality of running your own business is actually a lot tougher than people expect. So the first reality I've become self-employed that a lot of people have overlooked is the feast or famine cycle.
3:53 This is the rollercoaster that can destroy your business and your aspirations. See, when you become self-employed, one of the biggest challenges that you make this is the feast or famine cycle.
4:05 This means that sometimes you've got a lot of clients and you work the face. Sometimes you've got no clients whatsoever, or only a few, and that's the farming.
4:14 So let's break down what this means, how it affects you, and why it's a major challenge for self-employed HR consultants.
4:22 Okay, so the first bit is that it's a roller coaster of clients. You see it's like going to an amusement park, right?
4:28 And you get on roller coaster. Sometimes the ride is exciting and you never want it to end. Other times it's scariest hell and your desperate to get off.
4:38 That's what the fee store if I'm in cycle feels like in business. When you've got a lot of clients it's exciting because you're busy, you're earning money, everyone wants a little piece of you.
4:47 You're like yes, I'm in demand, this is finally working. But then clients disappear and it can feel scary and stressful because you might worry about where the next client's coming from.
4:58 You have no idea how to go about getting any more. You've got lost control and you're like, whoa, should I be going back to the 9 to 5?
5:06 What the hell do I do now? And you start to worry, right? Now, during this phase part, that's great. But you might be working really long hours.
5:14 You might be feeling pumped and energized. But when the famine hits, that's going to make you feel drained. You're going to be worried about money.
5:21 You're going to be feeling overwhelmed about what to do to train control this situation. and this can lead to physical symptoms, right?
5:29 Like headaches, tiredness, which is stressing about not having enough clients. And the ups and downs, those can take a toll on your emotions, right?
5:38 You might feel super happy, proud when you've got the clients, but then the God, and you feel sad, anxious. You could even feel like you're failing.
5:47 You'd be more up and around at home and you'd be thinking that this is not worth it. This is terrible.
5:53 It's like, you know, you're excited to play with your friends, but then they all go home and you're left feeling lonely and all alone.
6:00 The next element faced or famine is the financial struggle, right? So when you're self-employed, your income is your responsibility and it can change a lot from month to month.
6:11 One month you might make loads of money from several clients. But the next month you might not make anything at all or you might make very minimal amounts and this creates financial stress.
6:22 You might be thinking, how am I going to pay the rent? How are we going to save up for retirement?
6:27 How are we going to pay the kids for university, you know? And those financial insurgency, that can lead to a lot of feelings of anxiety, of stress.
6:37 You may start doubting yourself in your abilities and you might start getting desperate for clients that put you in a terrible position, right?
6:45 And this can make it even harder to attract clients and it creates a vicious cycle. Emotionally, you might feel overwhelmed, you might start questioning whether self-employed is the right choice for you.
6:56 I'm not financial worried that can affect your physical health as well, right? You might not sleep well because all you're thinking about is how to find the new clients, how to find the next client.
7:05 You're up at night thinking, how do I get out of this situation? It's like when you're worried about a big test when you're at school, right?
7:14 And you can't sleep the night before. You know, alternatively, that stress, the anxiety, the lack of sleep, that can physically manifest itself with muscle pain, back pain, headaches, overweight loss, overweight game, you know, through that beast or famine, you know, that going from mental extreme from
7:36 one end to the other can really take his toll on you. But alternatively, you know, the other way that it represents itself is feast or famine cycle, is the pressure to keep working.
7:47 So when you're in that feast phase, you may feel pressure to keep up the momentum and continue attracting clients. You might think, what if I can't find more clients when this work ends and that pressure can lead to you taking on more work than you can physically handle, or does it take clients that
8:04 you just don't want to take just to make sure that the money comes in. And this taking on over too much work that can lead to exhaustion.
8:11 You might end up staying up late or skipping meals just to get everything done. And that pressure can also make you feel trapped, right?
8:19 You may feel like you have to say yes, wherever you opportunity, even if it doesn't align with your goals, even if that claim doesn't align with your goals.
8:26 This can create resentment in your business because you're not doing what you truly want to do. You might start feeling burned out, you might start to lose your passion for helping clients.
8:37 Ultimately, both of these issues can lead to spending less time with your family, your friends, and ultimately having less control of your time than you did when you went into business for yourself.
8:47 You know, you might have had more control where you were in the office nine to five. But now you're on your own, so you've got less control of your time, less control of your finances, and you've got a hell of a lot more stress.
9:00 Overall, these consequences of the fee-store farming cycle, they can harm your business in many ways. When you've got lots of work, it's easy to get comfortable them, not really about future clients, But then the work dries up and it can lead to a panic mode where you struggle to find clients, and that
9:16 can lead to poor decisions or taking on unsuitable projects. And if you're constantly worried about where your next client will come from, it can be hard to focus on building strong relationships with existing clients or improving your skills, your HR skills.
9:32 And this can prevent you from growing your consultancy in a meaningful way, because all your focus on is where that next claim is coming from, right?
9:40 You're not thinking about anything else. Overall, fee stuff having cycles are a really tough challenge for self-employed HR consultants. They create physical stress, mental stress, emotional ups and downs, and that can make it difficult to maintain a stable and successful business.
9:58 To tackle this issue, it's important to create a consistent marketing strategy to keep a steady flow of claims even during the slow times.
0:07 So make sure that you set aside time each day for client outreach, networking, promoting your services, you know, whatever it is should be at least an hour a day focused on business development.
0:20 The next harsh reality that people don't think about when they go into business for themselves is the isolation of it, the loneliness of running a business that can really get down on you.
0:32 So when you decide to become a self-employed HR consultant, you often think about that freedom, the flexibility it brings. But one of the biggest challenges you might face is the isolation, the loneliness.
0:44 When you're trying to build your business, right? You're at home on your own trying to figure things out. You're on your own, well 95% of the time and no one's going through exactly what you're going through.
0:55 So let's explore what that isolation looks like for a self-employed HR consultant, how it affects you physically and mentally. Might it's important to address this issue and how you can do that.
1:06 So firstly, the lack of the social interaction, right? When you work in that traditional job, you have colleagues to chat with, you can share ideas, get those sense checks, and you can celebrate successes together and have a good ol' vine and a good ol' b**** and a, you know, a complain about whatever
1:21 it is that's booking you, either personally or professionally. But as a self-employed head to our consultant, those daily interactions they disappear, and instead of having shared laughs during breaks or bouncing ideas off coworkers, because you might find yourself sitting there and staring at your desk
1:38 , staring at your screen for hours, you might be in silence the whole day. So imagine sitting at home, typing away on your laptop, with no one to talk to, no one to share your thoughts.
1:50 You might think I wish I could just ask someone for advice or just chat about my day. And obviously there are Facebook groups and you will meet people online, but that's not the same as meeting people in the flesh repeated like, you know, back when you were in the office moment, it's a Friday, nine to
2:05 five, you kind of like you work family, right? There will be people that you will have relationships with that have grown organically without needing anything from one another and you can share your life with them a little bit.
2:17 It's not going to happen when you're a self-employed HR consultant, not as easily. So there's lack of social interaction, that can lead to feelings of sadness, boredom, might feel sluggish, motivated, all that, that can affect your productivity, productivity when you self-employed.
2:33 Wow, that is, you know, time is money. So, you know, you might even, you know, start skipping meals, forgetting to take breaks, because there's no one around to remind you to step away from your work.
2:46 It's entirely possible. Mentally, working along can feel draining as well. You might find yourself over thinking problems without anyone to help you brainstorm solutions.
2:57 Emotionally, it can lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation. You may start to question whether you're doing things right because there's no one to encourage it or give you feedback.
3:08 Now isolation, that can manifest itself by feeling a pressure to do everything yourself as well, right? So self-employed HR consultant, you might not realize this but you're going to wear many hats, marketing, sales, accountant, HR expert, customer service manager, everything it falls on your shoulders
3:27 . And with no one else to share the workload, you might feel immense pressure to handle everything on your own. You might think, well, if I don't do it, who will?
3:36 And yeah, that overwhelming feeling, that can create a heavy burden, and it can make it hard to focus on what really matters for your business.
3:43 I'm carrying this week a little exhaustion, you might find yourself working long hours, trying and tackle every task on your own.
3:50 Your body might start to feel worn out from the constant pressure, leading to physical symptoms like headaches, high fatigue. You might also find it hard to get out of your chair.
4:01 As silly as it sounds, you might feel stiff from sitting too long without a break. And mentally and emotionally, the pressure can create a sense of chaos.
4:11 You may feel like you're always running around but you're getting nowhere. This can lead to frustration all over, making it hard to stay focused on your goals emotionally it might create a sense of isolation because you feel like it in this alone.
4:24 You can start to feel discouraged or even doubt your abilities. The third way that loneliness, the isolation, can manifest itself is the fear of reaching out, right?
4:35 So when you feel an isolated you might also experience fear or anxiety about reaching out to others. You might worry about being judged or feel like you're over in people by asking for help.
4:45 And this fear that can prevent you from connecting me for this, making the loneliness even worse, like a vicious cycle.
4:52 So imagine thinking to yourself, what if they don't want to talk to you? What if I don't, I look like I can't handle my business, you know?
4:59 Not fear, that can make you feel tense, anxious, over thinking. You might notice that your heart starts to race when you think about networking or reaching out to people.
5:08 Physically, you might become so focused on your worries that you forget to take care of yourself, like eating or sleeping properly.
5:15 And mentally, that fear that can create a loop of negative thoughts making you feel trapped. You might start to convince yourself that you're not good enough or that no one understands your struggles.
5:26 Emotionally, it can make to sadness, hopelessness, and making you feel like you're a stuck in a cycle of loneliness. Overall, the loneliness of running a business that can be one of the toughest challenges self-employed hedge our consultants face.
5:42 It's new to them. Sometimes they don't know what they're doing. Sometimes they just don't want to feel like they're embarrassed or feel like they're embarrassing themselves by asking for help or for reaching out.
5:54 But it's important to recognise that you're not alone in feeling this way and there are ways to combat this isolation.
6:01 Building a network, joining a support group, joining a community of some former and other or seeking mentorship can help you connect with others who understand your journey.
6:10 Remember, reaching out for support is a sign of strength, not weakness. Alternatively, if you're like working around people, then consider investing in a core workspace where you can be surrounded by people who are motivated and going through the same kinds of things that you are.
6:25 That's what I do. I'm a core workspace and I swear by you. And in fact, I'll be sharing a podcast in the coming weeks about call work spaces, so make sure to check that one out when it launches.
6:38 The fourth harsh truth of being a self-employed HR consultant is dealing with difficult clients because that's when boundaries disappear, stress increases.
6:50 This is one of the most challenging aspects of being a self-employed HR consultant. These are the clients who demand more of what you have agreed upon.
6:58 They don't respect your time and they've got unrealistic expectations. So while working for yourself can be incredibly rewarding, it can also feel like a role across the road when clients push it to your limits.
7:10 So let's break down what makes dealing with difficult clients so hard and how it affects you. Firstly, boundaries disappear, right?
7:18 So when you take on a new client, you can set those clear boundaries about what you can offer, when you'll be available, how much they'll invest to get your services.
7:27 But sometimes clients don't respect those boundaries. They might call you up all hours. They might expect quick responses to their emails.
7:36 They might expect extra work without offering to pay for it. It's like you agree to work on a project for a specific number of hours where your client keeps adding tasks saying, can you just do this extra thing for me?
7:49 Can you just do this extra thing for me? We've all been there, right? And you want to help them so you say, yes.
7:55 Right? It's in, you know, probably a natural response because when you're in the office nine to five, your boss comes to you and says, oh, can you do this?
8:04 Can you do this? Time's not running. So you just say, oh, of course, of course, you want to be helpful equally.
8:10 These things are in your email. But when you got self-employed, a little bit different, right? This leads to more work than you've buy-in for, than you've agreed upon.
8:19 Before you know it, you're working late into the night, missing something important, missing time on friends and family, and you're doing it for free.
8:27 Alternatively, there may be unreasonable expectations as part of the work in relationship. Some clients come with high expectations that can feel impossible to meet.
8:37 They might want results immediately or expect you to solve complex problems all the night. So, you know, clients can come to you saying, need this done by tomorrow, even though it's a week's worth of work, right?
8:49 And these unreasonable demands can create a lot of stress. you're going to need to push back. You might not have had to do this before.
8:55 You might feel like you're constantly rushing to meet deadlines or overworking yourself to keep clients satisfied. That can be really difficult to push back on, especially if you're not that way inclined or if you feel like you need the client more than they need you.
9:11 Dealing with difficult clients can also lead to a lot of stress and burnout because when you're constantly struggling demanding clients it's easy to feel overwhelmed.
9:20 You might wake up dreading your workday, feeling like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of stress. And burnout happens when you feel so drained that you no longer enjoy what it is that you do it that can lead to a lack of motivation, a lack of creativity and physical symptoms like headaches or stomach
9:39 aches, all that bad stuff. Overall, difficult clients can create a ripple effect in your business because when boundaries disappear or reasonable expectations are set That means stress levels saw it, it can lead to that burnout, that lack of fulfillment in your work.
9:55 The emotional and physical toll can make you dread, dread your job, dread the career path that you've chosen. You might start to lose sight of why you've become self-employed in the first place.
0:05 And this cycle of stress and this satisfaction makes it even harder to attract new claims. It can make it even harder to satisfy your existing claims.
0:16 And when you feel burnout, you might put the effort into marketing yourself or breaching out to essential clients. And yeah, that'll affect that fee store famine cycle that we've talked about, meaning that you end up stuck in that negative cycle of working with clients who you don't really want to work
0:31 with, but you have to because, yeah, you're desperate for the work. I mean, you're going to end up draining your energy before you know it, self employment was a lot of disaster, right?
0:40 In terms of your physical health, well, when you're constantly managing challenging situations, the stress can manifest in various ways. You might experience fatigue, difficulty sleeping, muscle tension, chronic pain, emotional strain can lead to a chaotic work schedule as well.
0:57 So you may find yourself working longer hours, skipping meals or relying on caffeine to call. Ultimately, the cumulative effects of dealing with difficult clients can maybe be feeling drained and overwhelmed, impacting both your work and your personal life.
1:13 It can lead to your feeling foggy, unfocused. You might struggle to concentrate on your work because your mind is racing with worries about your clients and how they're overwhelming you, demanding things, demanding things.
1:26 Emotionally, it's going to leave you feeling frustrated, angry, defeated, and this can lead, as I say, to an unnegative attitude and negative emotions towards your business.
1:36 Yeah, why you went into business for yourself? Overall, dealing with difficult clients can be a significant challenge for self-employed HR consultants and recognizing the signs of demanding or aggressive clients is crucial for protecting your time, your energy and your mental health.
1:54 So what you need to do is set clear boundaries, manage expectations, and know when to say no, you can maintain a healthy work life balance if you do all this.
2:03 Remember, prioritize self-care, seek support from peers or professionals when needed. By implementing these strategies, you can navigate difficult client relationships effectively and maintain a positive and fulfilling career.
2:18 It is possible. But don't wear too long to start, to start standing up for yourself because you'll only make it worse in the long run, right?
2:25 Your client will learn that they can push you, they can push you, they can push you, and then all of a sudden you snap and you say no longer, they'll they'll miss understand what's happening in the relationship.
2:36 So be clear right from the start, be honest with your client, so they understand who you are, what you're about right from the start, ultimately you're stealing from them if you're not honest with them right from the start, right?
2:47 You're giving them the wrong impression and that's not where you want to be. So be honest with them right from the start, deal with those difficult clients and if they can't cope with it, fire them.
2:59 The next harsh reality of being a self-employed HR consultant is the Admin overload. It's the drowning in the unpaired work, the stuff that doesn't add too much value to your business.
3:12 So when you decide to become a self-employed HR consultant, you might think about helping businesses with their HR needs, right?
3:20 The disciplinaries, the grievances, the engagement service, it's exit interviews, policies, procedures, all that good stuff. But what many of you may not realise is that running your own business or you might have only just realised, the reality of running your own business is that you have a lot of
3:35 work to do that doesn't always feel like proper work, right? The admin work. It can start to feel overwhelmed at times.
3:42 So let's break down what this admin overload is, how it affects you physically and mentally and why it's a big challenge for self-employed HR consultants.
3:51 Now the reality is a vitamin overload is that this is work that you have to do to keep your business running smoothly but it doesn't always feel that it's not always getting paired or it will also say that it's not getting paired immediately.
4:04 These are like the behind-the-scenes choice at home like cleaning or organizing your bedroom, right? You know it's important but it's not as exciting in as playing with your toys so there's how I've been all the Lord can affect you.
4:18 Firstly, every time you get a new claim, you have to fill out the forms, you have to onboard them onto your systems, you have to write contract, you have to keep records, you know, all that kind of boring stuff.
4:30 And this paperwork that can slice a pile up over time, especially if you push it to the side, and you're busy onboarding people, doing case loads, you know, with your mics and activities, all that good stuff.
4:41 And that can make it feel like you're swimming in a sea of documents that you just haven't got around to doing yet.
4:48 So you might be thinking, why can't I just focus on helping clients instead of all this boring stuff? Admin is also a bit of a time drain, right?
4:57 Admin work can take a lot of time away from you there. So instead of spending hours helping clients or growing your business, you might find yourself spending even longer on things like invoicing, managing emails or updating your website.
5:10 and you might think to yourself, I should be doing more important stuff than this. One of the toughest parts of admin overload is the fact that most of this work doesn't earn you any money, right?
5:22 Also while you're busy filling out the forums and sending emails, you're not actually getting paid like you would if you were meeting with clients, you know, helping them deal with problems.
5:31 It's also the kind of work which you don't get paid for in general, right? So when you were at the back in the office, Monday to Friday, nine to five, you were getting paid, no matter what happened.
5:40 But this stuff, this stuff, this stuff is, you know, it's stuff that doesn't have, yeah, it's not chargeable work, you can't charge a client for onboarding it.
5:48 You may have cushions that cost in this part of the project, but it's not something that you see as a tangible cost that you're charging for.
5:56 It can feel a bit pointless, right? And ultimately you might think, bloody hell, why am I doing all this? So this is no more unit.
6:05 It's a waste of time. I hate it. So you might find yourself sitting at the desk surrounded by papers that need, you know, completed emails which need you to apply into and it can make you feel tired and stiff and bored.
6:20 You might develop a sore back. You might get a headache from staring at a screen too long and it is likely in stuck in your room doing homework when you're rather outside with your friends.
6:30 And mentally, all this paperwork, it can create stress. It might feel anxious about, you know, forgetting to send an important email or losing track of a document, or whether you've sent off your invoices.
6:42 Emotionally, it can be frustrating because really, what you want to be doing is that stuff that you're an expert at, a HR stuff, right?
6:50 But, you know, you want to be helping clients. But instead, you turn them in admin and you might not feel like it's making any real progress in your business.
6:59 And this can really slow your business down. So when you're stuck doing unpaid work, you might miss opportunities to attract new clients or focus on strategies to increase your income.
7:10 And it can feel like you're running around in circles instead of moving forward. Overall, you can lead to burnout causing you to stay at longer breaks or or even consider quitting your consultancy altogether.
7:23 I mean, overall, admin overload, it's one of the toughest challenges that you can face as a self-employed head to our consultant.
7:30 You can create stress, overwhelm, frustration, and ultimately you're not helping clients, you're not growing your business. So a solution might be to create a plan, right?
7:42 Maybe you set aside a specific time to do your admin work. Maybe you just throw all the emails into one specific folder in your inbox so that you just deal with it once a week or once a day or something on those lines.
7:55 You can use tools or software to streamline tasks so you can copy the email into chat GPT say give me a good response for this.
8:03 You could even consider hiring someone to help you. Remember ultimately you don't have to do it alone and if you don't really want to do all that admin, virtual admin out there can really help you lighten the And there you have it, five harsh realities of life as a self-employed HR consultant.
8:25 And in case you missed it, I have got a surprising truth for you. All these challenges, the feast or famine cycle, the admin or the world, the isolation, the difficult claims, the imposter syndrome, they are all rooted with one central issue.
8:40 not having control of your business, not having control of your clients, not having control of your leadgen. Because when you constantly struggle to find new work, when you constantly struggle to find work that you want to do, you can't afford to set boundaries.
8:56 You can't afford to take time off and you can't afford to take time to focus on growing your business. You're too busy running around, trying to make sure that you get fed and they actually have a business.
9:08 That's why the number one problem that you need to solve is client acquisition. I want you to have a reliable system in place for attracting leads and converting them into paying clients, everything else starts to fall into place.
9:20 You can be more selective about who you work with, you can set clear boundaries and push back and you can plan for the future with confidence.
9:28 See, having control of your client and legion, it solves every other problem because there's certainty in your business. You know what you're doing, you know who you're doing for and you know who you don't want to work with, you can outsource your admin, you can destroy, face store phone and you can
9:43 join any and every membership out there in order to create that community and avoid that long in us. If you're a HR consultant feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of building your business, of landing clients, I'm here to help you.
9:59 Get onto my website right now on the book of coaching call. You'll get one-to-one support tailored to your unique needs.
0:06 we can discuss anything you want, whether it's creating a lead gem trade. Determining how to price your services, how to identify and serve your target audience, whatever it is that you want to talk about, we'll talk about it.
0:18 And by the end of our hour together, you'll lead with a complete roadmap to resolve your issues and a clear action plan for moving forward.
0:26 Don't worry about taking notes, we'll record the session so you can just focus on the conversation. Then you can revisit the recording whenever and whenever you want to.
0:36 I'll also share helpful resources for you and even share chat GPT prompts to make implementation even easier for you. Equally, you can rest easy knowing that if I can't help you or you decide to work with a further, you can get your money back.
0:52 No questions asked. My goal is to make sure that you feel supported and empowered to build a consultancy of your dream where you in 70K or more while enjoying the flexibility to choose your projects on when you're working or who you're working with.
1:06 And if I can't help you with that, as I say, you get your money back. And just for a little bit of fun, for a limited time, the next five people to book a call with me will receive a mystery prize for you to post.
1:18 Think of it like lumpy mail but backwards and you won't get something crap like a pit free PDF or something along those lines.
1:26 So if you're curious what a coaching call with me looks like, then check out a recent podcast episode for you to re-roof.
1:32 It'll give you a glimpse of what to expect and how I can support you. So don't feel late, you have to navigate this journey along.
1:40 Lean on my expertise and get help to build your business so you're in control and you know what to do and how to do it.
1:46 So go and book a coaching call now, visit my website and get yourself a mystery prize too. In the meantime, as ever, get marketing because if out marketing there's no sales and without sales, there's no business to get marketing.
2:01 Hey there, and thanks for listening to the marketing maybe is a HR consultant podcast. If you've enjoyed the show, then please consider taking your moment to help us grow by sharing the episode with your friend or colleague.
2:14 Or by leaving the positive review on podchesser.com. And make sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the upcoming episodes.
2:24 I've been your host Nick Deminsky, and if you have any questions or want to know more about today's topic, then reach out to me on link 10th, and be delighted to hit on me.
2:34 See you next time.