Marketing Made Easy for HR Consultants
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Welcome to the Marketing Made Easy for HR Consultants Podcast hosted by Nick Poninski.
This show is here to help you get control of your HR Consultancy by helping you build a business that earns £70K or more.
So if you want to discover the tips and tactics to generate a pipeline of perfect-fit, high-paying clients without expensive ads... time-consuming social media... or monotonous networking meetings...
Then this is the show for you, my friend - so strap yourself in.
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Marketing Made Easy for HR Consultants
HRBSS Black Friday Bonanza: Double the Value, Half the Price
Wanna build your business for half price?
Then check out this mini bonus podcast.
And then join the fun here.
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When you’re ready, here are 3 ways to start building your market-leading HR Consultancy.
1 - Take this free quiz to understand why you aren't getting the leads and clients you need.
2 - Get a copy of my book, “How to Land Your Dream Client” - to discover how to get control of your HR Consultancy.
3 - Become my next Case Study Client - Work with me 1 on 1 to earn £70K and above.
0:01 Hello there and welcome back to the Marketing Made Easy for HR Consultants podcast with me, Nick Peninske, and welcome along to this mini bonus podcast.
0:11 Today, I wanted to share a quick update with you all about the HR Business Success Squad. Because right now, it's £100 a month, but on December 1st, it's going to double in price.
0:22 So, I wanted to talk about why that price increase is coming and what's happening behind the scenes with the members who've joined.
0:28 So, first things first, why is the price doubling? Put simply, I launched the HR Business Success Squad with minimal idea about what form or shape it would take.
0:38 I had a good idea in my head, but nothing was scoped out completely. But a month in, I now know what this membership is all about and the value it adds.
0:47 And honestly, that is the key bit. It's an invaluable membership. You get everything you need to build your HR consultancy business and at £100 a month, it's just too cheap.
0:58 You get weekly Q&As to get issues resolved and talk to you. You get a full one hour consultation with me to talk through anything you want and use in any way you want to.
1:06 Half an hour here, 15 minutes there, whatever it is. You get the trainings and resources to help you understand everything you need to understand to create a profitable business.
1:15 You obviously get the WhatsApp chat room with all the other team members in it too. So there's that camaraderie. And the growth, right?
1:23 And now you may be wondering what the difference is between the HR Business Success Squad and the HR Consultants Complete Client Control Solution.
1:32 And to put it simply, it's the level of support you get from me. With the HR CCCS, the support is unlimited.
1:39 So you can build your business much faster. You can get help on anything and everything, whenever you need it. Whereas the HR Business Success Squad, there are limits.
1:48 Now, for a lot of you, those limits will be more than enough. But there are some people who want to move faster.
1:54 That's the key difference. That's what the HR Consultants Complete Client Control Solution is for. in terms of what's happening behind the scenes in the HR Business Success Squad, the first task I get any member of my squad to do is to determine their target market.
2:11 And this makes things so much easier for them. I've got three squad members going through this right now, and they're all saying the same thing.
2:19 Having a target audience makes things so much simpler. No more overwhelm, no more uncertainty, no more wondering. They know who they serve, they know who they don't serve, and they know where to find these people and where their problems are.
2:33 So, we've got one member who's going to work with accountants, and she knows that putting messages in front of them about employment law, disciplinary, sexual misconduct, whatever it is, they won't be overly relevant for them.
2:45 They'll know that they need to know this stuff, and they do need to know this stuff. But those aren't the messages that will grab hold of their attention, right?
2:53 Instead, the HR consultant I'm working with, she's going to put messages in front of these accountants about retention, because that's what keeps them awake at night, worrying about their staff leaving, and heading elsewhere.
3:04 Next, we've got a member who came to me and said she felt overwhelmed because she was working a demanding project, and wasn't finding the time to build a business.
3:13 So I took the time to listen to her, and understand where she was at, and what she was struggling with.
3:17 At the end of the conversation, I just listened. I just listened. No talking. At the end of it, I said one simple question.
3:24 I said, do you still want to run your own HR consultancy? And she was emphatic that that was what she wanted.
3:30 And this is important, because if she's changed her mind, then she should leave the HR Business Success Squad. I shouldn't take her money, but she did want to continue building a business.
3:39 So we spent the next 45 minutes talking about what her ideas offer was and who she was targeting. And then I gave her an example of a HR consultant who works specifically for outplacement support and nothing else.
3:51 Hello, June, if you're listening along. So now my squad member, she is away, working on her offer and her audience.
3:58 And she was so grateful for this call, because I've given her a path to follow. She now knows she can sell her services as an investigator.
4:06 And she also knows she needs to work out who would buy these services and then tie those two factors together.
4:12 And I could go on for longer about the clarity that the squad are getting through working with me. But ultimately, I'll just say this.
4:19 They know what to do to build their business. No more chucking spaghetti at the wall, hoping something will stick. No more trying to resolve problems on their own and doing what seems right, but never being certain about it.
4:30 And no more trying to be the HR consultant they think they should be, because that's what they see everyone else doing.
4:35 Instead, my squad members, they're on their own path to serve their own audience in a way that works for them.
4:43 It's true freedom, the freedom that they wanted when they went into business for themselves. And you might say, well, what are their results like?
4:50 And I'd say it's a work in progress. Building a business, any business, and certainly a HR consultancy that earns 70k or more, it takes time.
4:59 You can't just start your consultancy and expect everyone to just throw work at you. It doesn't work that way, as I'm sure you know.
5:06 People ultimately have to feel that you can solve their problems for them before they'll put their hand in their pocket and give you their money.
5:14 And that means you have a lot of work to do to persuade them about that. That being said, my squad know they're on the right path and ahead making progress.
5:24 And that's why I'm doubling the price on December 1st. But if you want to join the squad before that happens, then join up before the end of November.
5:31 You'll only pay £100 a month and you can leave the squad whenever you want if it isn't for you. But if you wait one more day, then you'll be paying £200 a month.
5:40 That's a difference of over £1,000 if you stay. For a year. So yeah, for me, it's a no-brainer. Get clarity on what you're supposed to be doing to grow your business at a rate of £100 a month, or wait a few days, a month, whatever it is, and pay double.
5:56 Any questions, you know where I am. But in the meantime, as ever, thank you for listening along and get marketing.
6:03 Because without marketing, there's no sales. And without sales, there's no business. So get marketing.